Improve social and emotional interactions, support diverse learners, and meet standards in your classroom.

ABLE in School is a dynamic K-12 curriculum featuring learning plans aligned to SHAPE National Health & Physical Education Standards specifically designed to adapt physical activities, ensuring that every student can actively participate in Phy Ed classes. 

ABLE in School


ABLE in School is a dynamic K-12 curriculum featuring learning plans aligned to SHAPE National Health & Physical Education Standards  specifically designed to adapt physical activities, ensuring that every student can actively participate in Phy Ed classes.    

Aligned to Standards  

Standards are a statement that student is working towards or has acquired a skill that will improve their life or situation.  The curriculum was written with all standards in mind and is aligned to national physical education and health standards.  The movements, structure, and interactions of the curriculum provide direct repetition in the motor skill development, purpose and intent of movement, and social interaction. 

Improved Behavior 

Student behavior is a reflection of their skill set versus the task they are asked to accomplish.  The curriculum provides for safe and successful attempts.  The movements are easily modified or adapted to reduce or add challenge.  The structure and order of events, hook and holds give the why and how that eases the mind.  Peer to peer interaction reduces stress and improves the social skills that lead to larger group interaction.   

Diverse Learners 

Diverse learners with varying physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and sensory skills are embedded in General PE, Adapted PE, and Unified PE classes.   Movements, structure, and interaction of the curriculum provide teachers with a strong foundation to support all students.  The completed learning plans work as a stand-alone or as a supplement to units you are already teaching. 

Three Fundamentals of ABLE In School  

ABLE in School’s three fundamentals improve student’s ability to do the day, enjoy the day, and contribute to the day. The magic happens when functional movement, functional thinking, and functional interactions come together for diverse abilities to be seen, felt, and heard.  


1. Functional Movement 

ABLE in School is a program for ALL learners built on the foundation of functional movement skills and patterns. These skills and patterns support recreational, daily living, and vocational activities for school and provide a platform for life.  


2. Functional Thinking 

Our goal is to support choice readiness by intentionally teaching students how to critically think, demonstrate cognitive flexibility, and grow perspective and understanding of others who are different. There is a specific emphasis on thinking and perspective.  


The curriculum provides the “why” behind the activities through ABLE Statements and a thought-provoking Hook and Hold section. These skills are precursors to jobs and tasks students need to have in the classroom, at home, and in the workforce. 


3. Functional Interaction 

ABLE In School starts with intentional social and emotional learning opportunities alongside a peer with a task.  ABLE Statements and deliberate social interactions are thread throughout each learning plan to create and foster peer-to-peer relationships. This establishes a support system that promotes collaboration among students with diverse abilities while cultivating empathy, teamwork, social and emotional learning, and physical development. Each of these elements increase healthy interactions and decrease bullying to build relationships inside and outside the classroom. 



Benefits of


ABLE in School Learning Plans Include: 

  • Dynamic warm-up 
  • Functional skill and strength  
  • Game play 
  • ABLE Challenge 

Learning plans are accompanied by videos showing movements and along with adaptations so all students can participate at their ability level.  

The learning plans can be used as a supplemental or standalone curriculum to support skill and fitness-based goals.